I am finally back after my vacation, thoroughly refreshed and ready to take on the world…so bring it on!!! Just kidding. I am in a frivolous kind of mood though and think that the best way to keep this going would be indulging myself. Now, please do not be shocked at my laziness for that is an essential part of who I am. I know I have been totally MIA for these past couple of weeks but I promise I will totally make up for it. I am going to make my comeback(sniggering at myself) of sorts…if I may call it that by posting an award and answering some lovely questions that the lovely Alice had asked me. Better late than never Alice…hope you agree with me!
As usual, the same rules apply as always, just answer the questions, make up ten of your own, and pass the award on to six favourite bloggers of your own.
So, here goes:
Favourite place in the world?
My birthplace, a small hilly town where it rains for most of the year and which has some of the most generous and warm people around. Full of natural beauty this will always be where I would want to come back someday.
Favourite colour?
Countryside or seaside?
The seaside. It would make the most perfect setting for me to relax with a book for company.
Drama, horror or Comedy?
Comedy, especially if it is performed by Jim Parsons aka Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.
Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
Winter. There is something about Winter that soothes me.
Sunshine or Moonlight?
Moonlight. I love the mystery of night and moonlight is a major part of it.
Silver or Gold?
Favourite day-dream?
That I would become a famous author one day who would inspire people to love and to be generous.
Favourite Web-Sites?
Mostly fashion sites cos I love fashion.
What do you think of being Tagged?
It’s great. I get to answer about a lot of stuff that I usually would not talk about.
Now for my ten questions:
{1} Favourite childhood memory?
{2} Favourite movie?
{3} Paris or London?
{4} Sarcasm or Humour?
{5} The Beach or the Hills?
{6} Dawn or dusk?
{7} Reading or something else?
{8} Favourite yesteryear moviestar?
{9} Favourite snacks?
{10} What does getting an award mean to you?
Now to hand this on to six others, and I choose;
Remember to paste my award linking it back to me, and enjoy being tagged!